Our Fourth Decade - The 1960s
Janesville Little Theatre's star continued to rise throughout the 1960s. During that decade JLT, after years of requests, staged its first musicals. Accolades piled up and season tickets sales soared to unprecidented levels, but increasing competion from Television and the unrest caused by the Vietnam war foreshadowed darker days to come.
Our 31st Season (1959 - 1960)
Our 32nd Season (1960 - 1961)
Our 33rd Season (1961 - 1962)
Our34th Season (1962 - 1963)
Our 35th Season (1963 - 1964)
Summer 1964
Our 36th Season (1964 - 1965)
Our 37th Season (1965 - 1966)
Our 38th Season (1966 -1967)
Our 39th Season (1967 - 1968)
Our 40th Season (1968 - 1969)