She Was Only Marginally Modest (2010)
Seated from left: Kellie Lamkin-Flynn, Michelle Quednow, Susan Shoemaker, Ellen Trewartha,
Rebecca Vanderheyden. Standing from Left: Lara Verdone, Jason Quednow, Sherry Derr-Wille,
Bob Pohlman, Aaron Williams, Ryan Webb, Michael Muthig.
Rebecca Vanderheyden. Standing from Left: Lara Verdone, Jason Quednow, Sherry Derr-Wille,
Bob Pohlman, Aaron Williams, Ryan Webb, Michael Muthig.
She Was Only Marginally Modest is a melodrama set during the late 1800s at the Dead Moose Lodge. She Was Only Marginally Modest is a very short play, at just over 1 hour long, so to increase the length of the production, Janesville Little Theatre included musical acts at the beginning of each act.
About the Production
The Cast